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Got a septic problem?
We can find it.
Specializing in diagnosing any septic problem!
Trusted family owned business
Over 30 years experience
Partnered with our sister companies to offer you a full range of services!
We specialize in diagnosing all septic problems.
With over 30 years experience in the industry, Brad Melanson also known as the 'Problem Solver of Septic Problems' has provided septic services in the Saint John and surroundings areas and prides himself with the ability to diagnosis any septic related issue.
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"Thank you for being #1 in our #2 business!"
"Couldn't be more happy with their service. Thank you!"
"Thank you for your excellent service. Highly recommend Melanson's!!"
See Our Partnering Sister Companies
Providing you with a one-stop shop for your septic needs!
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